
Seasonal Affective Disorder: A Guide


It’s been dreary in Pittsburgh lately. With this last snow blast, it seems as though the seasons are changing. The days are still shorter. And with the lack of sun, many of us are going to feel this shift. Especially for those that suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder. Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a type [...]

Seasonal Affective Disorder: A Guide2018-10-31T08:38:48-04:00

What is Depression?


It’s normal to feel down once in a while. But if you’re sad most of the time and it affects your daily life, you may have clinical depression. Depression causes many, sometimes intense, symptoms. These symptoms affect how you feel, think, and manage your daily life. Depression also causes persistent feelings of sadness and loss [...]

What is Depression?2018-10-24T07:43:56-04:00

Coping with Generalized Anxiety Disorder


Coping with generalized anxiety disorder. Anxiety. That word is everywhere today. Coworkers talk about it. So do your friends. Even your mom does! Anxiety involves feelings of worry, fear, and apprehension. And it’s typically experienced on cognitive, emotional, and physical levels. Maybe you have negative thoughts. Or you might feel scared and out-of-control. You might [...]

Coping with Generalized Anxiety Disorder2018-10-17T07:58:43-04:00

In Recovery? You Should Prioritize Outdoor Activities


Today’s blog is a collaboration piece written by Bethany Hatton. Bethany, a retired librarian with 32 years of experience, created after her oldest grandson became addicted to opioids. Though she discovered there is no guaranteed way to prevent addiction; she was able to find many helpful resources that can keep the public up to date on the [...]

In Recovery? You Should Prioritize Outdoor Activities2018-10-12T15:55:14-04:00

Weighted Blankets: Do They Really Work?


Weighted blankets calm anxiety, according to science. In its simplest form, a weighted blanket is just that. A blanket that is intentionally heavier than a standard blanket. Remember how it felt to crawl underneath one of your great-grandmother’s quilts and how the heaviness of it felt comforting? It’s kinda like that. A study published in 2015 [...]

Weighted Blankets: Do They Really Work?2018-10-03T08:15:46-04:00

Self-Care: It’s More than Face Masks and Bubble Baths


Self-care. It’s everywhere. Self-care is a popular blog topic and Pinterest pin. It has hashtags and YouTube videos dedicated to it. Many push it in the direction of pampering. A sheet mask here. A bath bomb here. For some of us, it’s a girls night. We stay in and eat ice cream and do a [...]

Self-Care: It’s More than Face Masks and Bubble Baths2018-09-26T08:29:00-04:00

Midlife Crisis: Therapy Reveals Opportunity


Almost everyone has heard of the dreaded phrase “Midlife Crisis”. The average woman experiences one at the age of 44. The two most common female reasons for a midlife crisis are that their children are suddenly gone and that their lifestyle changes enable more opportunities. It could also be caused by menopause. In this “Midlife [...]

Midlife Crisis: Therapy Reveals Opportunity2021-07-22T13:02:40-04:00

Midlife Crisis Series: Expenses of Therapy


The average woman experiences a midlife crisis at the age of 44. On average these crises last anywhere from 2-5 years. The two most common female reasons for a midlife crisis are that their children are suddenly gone and that their lifestyle changes enable more opportunities. It could also be caused by menopause. Not to [...]

Midlife Crisis Series: Expenses of Therapy2018-09-05T08:15:30-04:00

Helpful Books: Life After Therapy


Helpful Books. This month, we’ve been covering the topic of “Life After Therapy.” What can you do to ensure you use effective coping skills? How do you stay positive when life suddenly throws a new obstacle at you? Will you revert back to negative coping habits? Or will you remember your tool kit in your [...]

Helpful Books: Life After Therapy2018-08-29T07:25:13-04:00

Life After Therapy: Mindfulness Meditation


What Is Mindfulness? Mindfulness meditation. Mindfulness is the basic human ability to be fully present. It allows us to be in full awareness of where we are. Not to mention what we’re doing. And mindfulness helps us to not be overwhelmed by what’s going on around us. And yet, while mindfulness is something all of [...]

Life After Therapy: Mindfulness Meditation2018-08-22T08:04:15-04:00
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