
Christmas Family Vacation – Holiday Anxiety?


How to Avoid Holiday Anxiety with Your Family Canonsburg native Perry Como was the first to say, “there’s no place like home for the holidays”. For some folks, Christmas vacation includes going someplace warm, but most people in Pittsburgh are trading the sun for relatives this year – because nothing beats Pennsylvania and some homemade [...]

Christmas Family Vacation – Holiday Anxiety?2017-12-15T07:16:10-05:00

Emotional Abuse in relationships


Emotional Abuse “The scars from mental cruelty can be as deep and long-lasting as wounds from punches or slaps but are often not as obvious. In fact, even among women who have experienced violence from a partner, half or more report that the man’s emotional abuse is what is causing them the greatest harm.” ― Lundy Bancroft [...]

Emotional Abuse in relationships2017-10-05T08:19:32-04:00

Controlling Husband – five signs to look for


Five signs you might be married to a controlling husband Are you concerned that your husband may be controlling? Perhaps you’ve felt this way for a long time, but have found yourself creating excuses for such behavior. Maybe you feel that it’s your fault, or that it’s just the way he is. In fact, [...]

Controlling Husband – five signs to look for2024-02-03T12:54:47-05:00

Codependency when soulmates become relationship addicts


Codependency or Relationship Addiction “If you live your life to please everyone else, you will continue to feel frustrated and powerless. This is because what others want may not be good for you. You are not being mean when you say NO to unreasonable demands or when you express your ideas, feelings, and opinions, even if [...]

Codependency when soulmates become relationship addicts2017-07-06T09:15:11-04:00

Falling out of love – what do you do about it


Falling Out of Love? The realization that our feelings towards our partner have changed can be confusing. Is it for the best? Was it him or me that changed? Was I actually in love or was it all fantasy? This can be one of the most painful processes to undergo. In order to understand where [...]

Falling out of love – what do you do about it2017-06-29T11:15:07-04:00

Divorce: What Should You Do When Kids Are Involved?


Divorcing? It is never an easy decision to separate or divorce. Even as adults it can be a very taxing process in which we lose our identity, friends, family members, and some financial freedoms. Our adult brains can rationalize or even anticipate the changes that will be coming upon us, but what does it mean [...]

Divorce: What Should You Do When Kids Are Involved?2016-10-18T10:08:40-04:00

Fighting With Your Ex: What it Does to the Kids


Fighting with your ex-spouse is all too common in our world today. This is sad because, as a rule, more contact with both parents is better for children. But only if the parents’ conflict is contained. If fighting with your ex is uncontrolled, children may do better to see one [...]

Fighting With Your Ex: What it Does to the Kids2021-08-19T17:03:48-04:00

Caregiver Stress


Caregiver Stress Caring for a loved one can be a very rewarding experience. You can give back to a loved one in their time of need, however the stressors involved can lead to damaging symptoms and caregiver stress or burnout. The demands of caregiving can feel overwhelming at times and if left unchecked they [...]

Caregiver Stress2024-02-03T12:12:58-05:00

Conflicted Divorce: What to Do?


Conflicted Divorce: What to Do? "I hate my ex, but I love my kids!" Conflicted divorce. Research makes it very clear. The more parents fight with each other the more psychological problems their children experience. This is especially true when children witness or overhear the conflict. Or when they are put in the middle [...]

Conflicted Divorce: What to Do?2024-02-03T12:42:58-05:00

Will Infertility Ruin My Marriage?


Children change everything. So does infertility. More and more couples are struggling to become pregnant nowadays. This can lead to feelings of stress, guilt, brokenness, resentment, and failure. Depression and anger increase and leads to more frequent, biting arguments that make being intimate even more difficult. Walls get built, tears are shed, dreams seem further [...]

Will Infertility Ruin My Marriage?2016-07-05T13:31:45-04:00
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