
May is Mental Health Month


I am part of the Quartet community in Pittsburgh and for Mental Health Month, we’ve asked I shared my perspective on the challenges stemming from mental health and the need for a care team to support those who are suffering. The mission of Quartet "is to enable every person in our society to thrive by [...]

May is Mental Health Month2017-05-26T09:30:37-04:00

Social Media Addiction: What It Is and What To Do About It


Social Media – Too Much of a Good Thing? Social Media Addiction. How can we possibly be addicted to social media – it wasn’t even invented until a few years ago.  We decided to look at the Pew Research paper on Social media use in the US to see just [...]

Social Media Addiction: What It Is and What To Do About It2024-04-12T13:55:08-04:00

Divorce: What Should You Do When Kids Are Involved?


Divorcing? It is never an easy decision to separate or divorce. Even as adults it can be a very taxing process in which we lose our identity, friends, family members, and some financial freedoms. Our adult brains can rationalize or even anticipate the changes that will be coming upon us, but what does it mean [...]

Divorce: What Should You Do When Kids Are Involved?2016-10-18T10:08:40-04:00

Suicidal Behavior in Teenagers


Suicidal behavior. Is it a problem? Sadly, suicide is the third leading cause of death in teenagers. Suicide attempts are an extremely serious issue. Yet, the “last straw” events that lead teenagers to attempt suicide are very common. They include situations such as family conflict or a breakup with a boyfriend or girlfriend. Another possibility [...]

Suicidal Behavior in Teenagers2016-10-06T14:30:21-04:00

Faith Based Counseling


Faith-based living. We all grow up with certain values, morals, religious beliefs, and traditions that were instilled by our environments and families. This is especially true here in western Pennsylvania where family values are an integral part of our lives. However, there also comes a time when these beliefs are [...]

Faith Based Counseling2021-08-19T16:55:20-04:00

Fighting With Your Ex: What it Does to the Kids


Fighting with your ex-spouse is all too common in our world today. This is sad because, as a rule, more contact with both parents is better for children. But only if the parents’ conflict is contained. If fighting with your ex is uncontrolled, children may do better to see one [...]

Fighting With Your Ex: What it Does to the Kids2021-08-19T17:03:48-04:00

Mary Brodland, LCSW


Aging and the problems that it brings are an area that requires special skills and a special person.  We are committed to helping to improve the quality of life for all of our clients and we are pleased to announce a staff expansion to help us do that for this growing area of our population. [...]

Mary Brodland, LCSW2016-08-31T09:00:41-04:00

Caregiver Stress


Caregiver Stress Caring for a loved one can be a very rewarding experience. You can give back to a loved one in their time of need, however the stressors involved can lead to damaging symptoms and caregiver stress or burnout. The demands of caregiving can feel overwhelming at times and if left unchecked they [...]

Caregiver Stress2024-02-03T12:12:58-05:00

The Anxious Child: Dealing with Childhood Anxiety


The Anxious Child: Dealing with Childhood Anxiety Childhood anxiety is a normal part of growing up. All children will experience anxiety at some point in their development. Different phases of development can lead to temporarily increased levels of anxiety. But sometimes, it isn’t just a phase. When do we know if a child needs [...]

The Anxious Child: Dealing with Childhood Anxiety2024-02-03T12:34:11-05:00

Cutting: Should I Be Worried About My Self-Harming Teen?


“Why does my teenager cut themselves? How can my child cut themselves? What does cutting mean? Is my child suicidal because they are cutting? How can I help my teenager to stop cutting?” […]

Cutting: Should I Be Worried About My Self-Harming Teen?2016-08-03T10:01:05-04:00
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