
Anger and Mental Health


Anger and Mental Health Anger is quite a powerful human emotion. It stems from feelings of frustration, hurt, and even fear. While anger is an extremely normal emotion, it seems it’s in excess these days. Most of us seem to be aggravated about something from small irritations to strong rage. And while many connotate [...]

Anger and Mental Health2024-02-01T19:40:49-05:00

Treatment 101: What is EMDR?


Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a psychotherapy treatment developed by Francine Shapiro, Ph.D. in the late 1980s. It was originally designed to alleviate the distress associated with traumatic memories, such as with PTSD cases. Multiple studies show that those using EMDR can experience a quicker healing process. EMDR helps to remove emotional and [...]

Treatment 101: What is EMDR?2019-04-10T09:30:43-04:00

Anxiety is No Joke: Stress Levels Today


Anxiety is No Joke: Stress Levels Today As someone in front of several children and teens, I’ve learned a lot about the inner workings of their everyday lives. There is pressure at wildly young ages to succeed in academics and extracurriculars. Losing sleep due to long hours of homework, projects, and exams on top [...]

Anxiety is No Joke: Stress Levels Today2024-02-02T08:34:42-05:00

Guide to Meditation: Stress Less, Accomplish More


Mediation is a topic that doesn’t exactly vibe with everyone. Although it is 2019 and more people are turning to more holistic and authentic ways of life, we still generally hold a stigma when it comes to those who meditate. Many of us picture monks in long robes, holding vows of silence, devoting hours to [...]

Guide to Meditation: Stress Less, Accomplish More2019-03-27T08:14:12-04:00

Anxiety Help: Products Vs. Lifestyle


Anxiety Help: Products Vs. Lifestyle If you type “anxiety” into the Amazon search bar, you are met with seven pages of search results. From stress balls, aromatherapy mists, and gummy “calm” vitamins to audio books, teas, and weighted blankets, there are no shortages of possible anxiety relief solutions. In a culture where therapy is [...]

Anxiety Help: Products Vs. Lifestyle2024-02-01T19:51:28-05:00

Stepping Away from Guilt


In the last few weeks, we’ve been talking a lot about stress. How to recognize if you’re stressed. The physical effects of stress. Stress management practices. Even how to restructure your thoughts. Today, we are taking a look at a specific emotion that ties into stress: guilt. Many of us are unaware of how this [...]

Stepping Away from Guilt2019-03-05T20:30:05-05:00

Restructure Your Thoughts: Cognitive Distortion


Our minds are simply incredible. The way they can take in information – analyze it, store it, and connect it – to create. It is the spark of human ingenuity and genius. Our minds are responsible for creating a world of beauty and innovation. However, our minds aren’t always creating positive things. Sometimes our minds [...]

Restructure Your Thoughts: Cognitive Distortion2019-02-26T15:45:59-05:00

Stress Management Practices


As of late, we’ve been talking a lot about stress. We’ve talked about the physical effects of stress and that realization that you’re actually more stressed than you thought. Between juggling work, family, friends, and other commitments, it’s easy to become stressed out. There are a number of ways to reduce tension and relax. However, [...]

Stress Management Practices2019-02-19T07:09:40-05:00

“Am I Stressed Out?” 


“Am I Stressed Out?” Stress has always been a part of the human experience. Our ancestors stressed about hunting and gathering enough food. They stressed about weather phenomena, empires collapsing, and wars. Today, we face stress in almost every part of our physical and digital lives. We are actually faced with so many different [...]

“Am I Stressed Out?” 2024-02-01T15:32:38-05:00

The Physical Effects of Stress


The physical effects of stress. It’s Monday morning. Getting into work was a nightmare. Traffic was abysmal and you were certain you were going to be late. You rush into your cube like a tornado, knocking things over and almost spilling your coffee. You sit down to start your computer. The minutes seem to drag [...]

The Physical Effects of Stress2019-02-04T10:09:10-05:00
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