
The Independent Contractor’s Guide to Work-Life Balance


If you’re a freelancer or independent contractor, more likely than not, your work is always at the forefront of your mind. For many, acting in this position can be more stressful than those in “regular role” positions. That’s because when your home is also your office and your regular computer [...]

The Independent Contractor’s Guide to Work-Life Balance2021-07-22T01:55:12-04:00

Being Anti-Social During the Most Social Time of the Year


Being Anti-Social During the Most Social Time of the Year If you identify as an introvert, you might be starting to feel a bit burnt out. While, Halloween may be over, next come two of the most popular and social holidays. Just thinking about Friendsgiving’s, family gatherings, office parties, and running into old acquaintances [...]

Being Anti-Social During the Most Social Time of the Year2024-02-02T08:40:31-05:00

Breaking the Stay-at-Home Dad Stigma


Breaking the Stay-at-Home Dad Stigma How often (and most likely tired) are you of hearing that women should be the primary caregiver in the family? We’re approaching a new decade, and you would think that as times continue to change, so would our view on stay-at-home dads. But it seems that evolving gender roles [...]

Breaking the Stay-at-Home Dad Stigma2024-02-04T16:17:47-05:00

Coping with a Roommate


Coping with a Roommate Having a roommate can be a wonderful experience for some, but we’ve all heard an anecdotal tale about a terrible roommate. As we reach the semester's middle, you may feel emotionally and physically exhausted with both classes and dorm life. However, learning to grow and adapt to communicate efficiently with [...]

Coping with a Roommate2024-02-03T16:16:31-05:00

Taking Care of Yourself During Daylight Savings


It’s almost time to wind back the clock. The second installment of daylight savings will occur Saturday, November 2nd. Gaining an hour has a lot of perks. It’s an extra hour to be productive and get housework done. Some use it as an extra hour for relaxation and sleep. While [...]

Taking Care of Yourself During Daylight Savings2021-07-22T23:27:41-04:00

Helping Your Child Cope with School Stress


If you’re a parent, you full well know that the school system has changed since you last had to go to homeroom. What once was a place of peer socialization and inquisitive curiosity, has now morphed into priorities of test scores, GPA’s, and college acceptance letters. High levels of perfectionism [...]

Helping Your Child Cope with School Stress2021-07-22T23:28:26-04:00

Treatment 101: Animal-Assisted Therapy


Emotional support animals are quite popular in today’s world. Some days if feels like you can’t go anywhere without seeing one. They’re at the airport, shopping centers, and even some restaurants. With the rise in animal support popularity, we wanted to take a moment to discuss the original animal-based therapy, [...]

Treatment 101: Animal-Assisted Therapy2021-07-22T23:30:32-04:00

Setting Up a Stress-Free Office Space


Does your office stress you out? And not just in the sense of insensitive superiors, deadlines, and nosey co-workers. What about your actual physical work environment? Are there days you can’t see your desk due to the amount of paper and clutter? Does it feel like someone is always checking [...]

Setting Up a Stress-Free Office Space2021-07-22T23:31:08-04:00
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