
Counseling for Kids: Social Anxiety


Counseling for Kids: Social Anxiety The term “social anxiety” appears everywhere in today’s world. Many automatically associate the words with those that consider themselves introverts. Some refuse to even take the phrase seriously. But social anxiety isn’t simply the fear of interacting with other people. It’s actually characterized as an intense fear of social [...]

Counseling for Kids: Social Anxiety2024-02-03T15:16:03-05:00

Other Postpartum Symptoms


For the last two weeks, we’ve been discussing the postpartum disorders that arise once your baby is born. As much as we’d like to say that these issues don’t happen, these cases are becoming more and more prominent. Fortunately, women are becoming braver and braver in sharing their stories and reaching out for help. Two [...]

Other Postpartum Symptoms2018-04-23T08:39:26-04:00

The Anxious Mother


Motherhood is an indescribable experience. You aren’t able to understand it until you become a mother. And while it has its incredible ups, motherhood also has its downs. New mothers especially are in for a whirlwind, as there are many mental illnesses that thrive once a baby is born. Last week we opened up a [...]

The Anxious Mother2018-04-17T08:14:07-04:00

Postpartum Counseling: Depression


You recently welcomed a bundle of joy into your home, and the first few days were magical. However, now that the newborn pixie dust is starting to settle, you’re feeling off. You’ve heard stories of all the woes that come after the baby. And you start to wonder if the same is going to happen [...]

Postpartum Counseling: Depression2018-04-10T08:31:26-04:00

Postpartum Depression: Treatment Options?


Postpartum Depression: The Baby Blues The baby blues include mood swings and feelings of anxiety and sadness that typically emerge 3-5 days after giving birth and dissipate on their own within a few weeks. 70% of new moms experience this temporary change in mood. The baby blues differ from postpartum depression in the length of [...]

Postpartum Depression: Treatment Options?2017-11-15T17:26:37-05:00

Temper Tantrums


Temper Tantrums: What They Are, What They Mean and How to Manage Them Temper Tantrums. You’ve been there. A toddler is lying on his back in the middle of the store. He’s screaming at the top of his little lungs and pounding his fists when he didn’t get the Snickers bar in the candy aisle. [...]

Temper Tantrums2017-10-18T08:40:35-04:00

Opiates in pregnancy – what are the effects?


Is your baby being affected by Opiates in your pregnancy? Opiates in pregnancy – with the current overprescribing of opiates in the Pittsburgh area and the United States in general, it is becoming more of an issue for moms to be.  Clearly, if you are using or addicted to opiates either legally or illegally, you [...]

Opiates in pregnancy – what are the effects?2017-07-21T08:13:30-04:00

Divorce: What Should You Do When Kids Are Involved?


Divorcing? It is never an easy decision to separate or divorce. Even as adults it can be a very taxing process in which we lose our identity, friends, family members, and some financial freedoms. Our adult brains can rationalize or even anticipate the changes that will be coming upon us, but what does it mean [...]

Divorce: What Should You Do When Kids Are Involved?2016-10-18T10:08:40-04:00

Suicidal Behavior in Teenagers


Suicidal behavior. Is it a problem? Sadly, suicide is the third leading cause of death in teenagers. Suicide attempts are an extremely serious issue. Yet, the “last straw” events that lead teenagers to attempt suicide are very common. They include situations such as family conflict or a breakup with a boyfriend or girlfriend. Another possibility [...]

Suicidal Behavior in Teenagers2016-10-06T14:30:21-04:00
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