The concept of attracting specific things into our lives has many names. Manifestation. The Secret. The Law of Attraction. The theory states that regardless of your age, nationality, or religious belief, we are all susceptible to the laws which govern the Universe. It is through the specific Law of Attraction in which we utilize the power of the mind to translate our thoughts in reality. If you think about it, all of our thoughts turn into things in some way or another. If your thoughts tend to focus on the negative, your reality shifts to that perspective. But if you focus on positive thoughts, you will always find a way to achieve them.
But What is The Law of Attraction?
Although the concept of The Law of Attraction has been becoming more mainstream through social media and mental health conversations, it still remains a pretty big mystery. And honestly, very few people are fully aware of the impact of the law of attraction has on our day to day lives. Think about yourself as a cell phone tower. Every conscious and subconscious thought, action, emotion, and word sends a signal out into the universe. These signals go out and attract back more of what kinds of signals we have been putting out. If you aren’t aware of the signals your sending, you may be attracting unwanted things into your life.
A Brief History Lesson
According to legend, The Law of Attraction was first taught hundreds of years ago to a man by the immortal Buddha. It is believed that Buddha wanted it to be known that “what you have become is what you have thought.” The idea spread, and over the years, this concept developed in western culture under the term “karma”. Both ideologies belong to the understanding that what you give out into the world (anger, happiness, hate, love) is ultimately what can return to your own life in the end. This notion even makes an appearance in Proverbs 23:7, ‘As a man thinketh in his heart so is he’.
The Law of Attraction: Manifesting Love and Relationships
Love is something many of us aspire to have in our lives. Dating sites and apps are so popular for a reason, right? But, can the Law of Attraction help you improve your love life? Actually, it can.
There are many techniques and exercises which can help you be more willing to receive love. Maybe you’ve unconsciously shut down after your last heartbreak. Or you have unfinished business with a relationship in your past. No matter your reason for losing faith, they are all blockers from finding the love you are searching for. But by connecting with yourself and making the decision to find love, you can use the law of attraction to help you find your person. Become the person you want to attract and see what the Universe sends your way!
Attracting Money and Wealth
One of the most common uses of the Law of Attraction is manifesting money and wealth. Some of us may feel weird about the topic of money. Many of us feel shame when thinking about wanting more of it. But having money also means having a number of benefits. It allows you to put a roof over your head and food on your table. And it allows you to help provide for your family and friends. But because of our negative and complicated relationships with it, we aren’t able to manifest it in an efficient way.
The Law of Attraction only perpetuates the kind of thoughts you have. If you want money, you need to develop a positive relationship with it and create healthy spending habits. Spend time re-aligning with your values. And take the time to banish your fears associated with success. Focus on the abundance already present in your life and see how much more you begin to accumulate!
How to Start Using The Law of Attraction
Once you begin to understand the Law of Attraction, you can begin to consciously and intentionally create a better life for yourself. You can choose to think and react differently. You can choose to focus on the things and experiences you want to cultivate. Remember to ask the Universe for what you want, not for what you don’t want. Believe that you’ll get what you want and take action to do so. And receive what you want by sending out the signals that match.
CPA Counseling Wants to Help!
If you have goals, it’s time to start working! Counseling can be a helpful tool to help you make the changes you want and work toward that end goal. Sharing these things with your therapist can help you both stay on the same page. However, it also keeps you accountable for working towards your goals. Therapy and counseling are safe spaces where you can voice your concerns, develop coping and communication skills, and find the support you need.
Remember, therapy is hard work! It can feel extremely uncomfortable and even exhausting. Having a hand to hold and help guide you will only add to your personal success. Cristina Panaccione and Associates Counseling has three locations in the South Hills of Pittsburgh. We are currently accepting a limited number of new patients, so check out our videos to learn more about how we can help you achieve your goals in 2019.
* This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please contact a medical professional for advice.
Jennifer Krause – MS, LPC
Jennifer is a Licensed Professional Counselor who received her Masters of Science Degree from Chatham University. She has over 18 years of counseling experience with a wide range of patients in a variety of treatment settings. These have included: outpatient community mental health agencies, partial psychiatric hospital settings, both inpatient and outpatient drug and alcohol facilities, correctional settings, and an outpatient intensive treatment foster care program. Her clinical experience has been broad, treating both adolescents and adults struggling with: addiction, trauma, mood disorders, anger management issues, borderline personality disorder, depression, and anxiety. I also have experience with couples counseling, working with families, and group therapy. She has extensive training in Motivational Interviewing, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and Trauma-Focused CBT.