
Helping Your Child Cope with School Stress


If you’re a parent, you full well know that the school system has changed since you last had to go to homeroom. What once was a place of peer socialization and inquisitive curiosity, has now morphed into priorities of test scores, GPA’s, and college acceptance letters. High levels of perfectionism [...]

Helping Your Child Cope with School Stress2021-07-22T23:28:26-04:00

How to Help Your Child Cope with School Bullying


While we know you wish you could protect your kids from everything, there are some things in life they are going to have to experience. Unfortunately, bullying is one of those things that most kids deal with in today’s world. Bullies and mean kids exist at every age and grade [...]

How to Help Your Child Cope with School Bullying2021-07-22T23:29:54-04:00

Treatment 101: Animal-Assisted Therapy


Emotional support animals are quite popular in today’s world. Some days if feels like you can’t go anywhere without seeing one. They’re at the airport, shopping centers, and even some restaurants. With the rise in animal support popularity, we wanted to take a moment to discuss the original animal-based therapy, [...]

Treatment 101: Animal-Assisted Therapy2021-07-22T23:30:32-04:00

Setting Up a Stress-Free Office Space


Does your office stress you out? And not just in the sense of insensitive superiors, deadlines, and nosey co-workers. What about your actual physical work environment? Are there days you can’t see your desk due to the amount of paper and clutter? Does it feel like someone is always checking [...]

Setting Up a Stress-Free Office Space2021-07-22T23:31:08-04:00

Fall Self-Care


Fall has been deemed a favorite, “basic” season. But who can blame anyone for loving the time when the leaves begin to change? The time when evening bonfires ignite. When we trade swimsuits for cozy sweaters and seltzers for a warm drink. The excitement of summer is official fading. And [...]

Fall Self-Care2021-07-22T23:31:43-04:00

Mental Health Support: Setting Your Child Up for Success


As a parent, you have a number of things to worry about in regard to your child. You have to cater to their needs, like providing food, proper clothing, and putting them to bed at a reasonable hour. But how often do you think about their mental and emotional needs? [...]

Mental Health Support: Setting Your Child Up for Success2021-07-22T23:32:15-04:00

Binge Out: Our Favorite Mental Health Shows


Binge Out: Our Favorite Mental Health Shows Not that it seems like there’s ever a good time to suffer from a mental illness, but now more than ever, creators are making content that both resonates and helps those suffering. The following list contains some of our favorite shows and episodes that cover mental health [...]

Binge Out: Our Favorite Mental Health Shows2024-02-02T08:45:48-05:00

The Importance of Consistent, Quality Sleep


Wonderful sleep. We often think as sleep as our time to shut down and reboot. But did you know that it is during sleep that we are extremely active? It is during sleep that a lot of important processing, restoration, detoxification, regulation, and strengthening occurs. We still aren’t sure why [...]

The Importance of Consistent, Quality Sleep2021-07-22T23:34:05-04:00
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