Introducing Alyssa Thomas

Women’s Mental Health Concerns

Women’s Issues Today

Why Women’s counseling? Being a woman today is like Dickens described so long ago – the best of times and the worst of times.  It is easy sharing the best of times with family and friends – but what do you do when the great times of life go dark?  Women today have to deal with so many issues – things like:

  • Infertility
  • Work-life balance
  • Post-Partum depression
  • Feelings of not being “enough”
  • Chronic pain
  • and yes – too often single motherhood

But in the suburbs of Pittsburgh, it is good to know that you are not alone and you have an outlet for those feelings that is safe and trusting with Alyssa Thomas.  She has made her focus a variety of programs designed to provide for the best women’s counseling techniques today.

Women’s Issues Today

Why Women’s counseling? Being a woman today is like Dickens described so long ago – the best of times and the worst of times.  It is easy sharing the best of times with family and friends – but what do you do when the great times of life go dark?  Women today have to deal with so many issues – things like:

  • Infertility
  • Work-life balance
  • Post-Partum depression
  • Feelings of not being “enough”
  • Chronic pain
  • and yes – too often single motherhood

But in the suburbs of Pittsburgh, it is good to know that you are not alone and you have an outlet for those feelings that is safe and trusting with Alyssa Thomas.  She has made her focus a variety of programs designed to provide for the best women’s counseling techniques today.

Women in 2021

Even before the pandemic, being a woman was stressful.

Here are some things that you probably knew in your gut already, but it helps to be reminded that you are not alone in your feelings are justified by facts:

  • Mothers are the primary or sole earner for about 40% of households with children under 18 (US Department of Labor)
  • 72% of moms with children over 1-year-old work (about the same as childless women)
  • Women average 2.2 hrs / day, vs. 1.3 hrs / day for men
  • Moms with a full-time job spend 13 hours working at the office or at home on family chores.

Women’s counseling can help your “issues”

  • Accept and honor your feelings – even the bad ones
  • Carve out some “me” time, even if it is just a few minutes a day
  • Find a support system – a friend who will listen and not solve your problems or a support group
  • Exercise at least three times each week for thirty minutes or more – look at it as “me” time
  • As has been written about so often – find and count your blessings
  • Get professional support when you feel out of control and everything else fails to change your feelings

Women’s counseling can help your “issues”

  • Accept and honor your feelings – even the bad ones
  • Carve out some “me” time, even if it is just a few minutes a day
  • Find a support system – a friend who will listen and not solve your problems or a support group
  • Exercise at least three times each week for thirty minutes or more – look at it as “me” time
  • As has been written about so often – find and count your blessings
  • Get professional support when you feel out of control and everything else fails to change your feelings

Why Alyssa?

Alyssa has experience with leading social media addiction workshops and groups. She specializes in women’s counseling and has several treatment modalities to treat women’s mental wellbeing including strong Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) skills. Her genuine care and nonjudgmental approach will make you feel comfortable working through any difficult areas.

Why Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?

  • Short-term and goal orientated
  • It changes your thinking about your problem area – in this case, Social Media
  • It changes the way that you feel – so the change is long term

Call Alyssa today!


When was the last time someone listened to you?  Really listened and provided active feedback.

To get started let our intake coordinator connect you with our therapist who is your best fit for your needs

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